Über Uns
e[s]thetic space
Wir sind Milan und Florian, zwei technikbegeisterte und designsüchtige Berliner. In unserem Onlineshop stellen wir für andere Technikbegeisterte hochwertiges Technikzubehör zusammen, das wir selbst seit Jahren privat und beruflich nutzen. Wir bieten Produkte an, die den Spaß an der Nutzung von Mobil- und Office-Gadgets erhöhen. Unser handverlesenes Sortiment umfasst nur wenige Marken, die wir dir umfassend mit ihren Produkten vorstellen. Neben Qualität und Design achten wir besonders auf Nachhaltigkeit, setzen auf klimaneutralen Versand und Verpackung.
Melde dich zu unserem Magazin an und sicheren dir einen 10%-Gutschein auf das gesamte Sortiment. Außerdem erhältst du monatlich spannende Updates aus dem esthetic space.
... is a tech and design enthusiast who has been working in tech and web development since he was 18. He loves tech so much that he is always on the lookout for tech products that look good, feel great, and are of the highest quality.
His attention to detail can be seen in the tech accessories he picks out, because only the best tech products make it onto his list.
His attention to detail can be seen in the tech accessories he picks out, because only the best tech products make it onto his list.

... is a tech lover and tech enthusiast who loves tech gadgets and is always looking for the latest tech updates. He loves tech products that are both functional and beautiful, because tech can be both attractive and useful all at the same time.
His tech passion is evident in his tech accessories as they provide both tech and design all at once.
His tech passion is evident in his tech accessories as they provide both tech and design all at once.